Photo Session Trends: To Prop Or Not To Prop?

It’s a great question, isn’t it? Now, I don’t want to spark a whole argument. I’m just here to share both sides - at the end of the day, it’s really your decision whether you use props in your photo session or not, and I want you to make an informed one. So, let’s jump right in.


Props create movement, add interest to the composition, and they may even have a special meaning to you and your family, which adds to the magic of the photo. Adding a prop to a shoot removes any nerves and awkward poses, because you feel more natural holding and interacting with something. (But don’t worry, I’m here to help you feel comfortable no matter what). 

Props also help you engage with your environment. A great example here would be something like bubbles. Kids will naturally engage with the bubbles and ‘forget’ there’s a camera anywhere near them. Something like this can really help ‘break the ice’ and make the whole shoot a lot more fun. 

Prop ideas: Favourite toys, board games, sporty items (such as a football), bikes, kites, edible treats, and bubbles.


Your prop needs to make sense, otherwise it’s an unnecessary addition that may detract from the moment, and may even start to look a little staged (and I am NOT about that life). If your location is dynamic enough, you may not even need a prop. Shooting around Hong Kong means there’s already a stunning, interesting, and vibrant environment to work with. Rather interact with things around you if you’re feeling a little nervous or unnatural. Pick up a pebble on the beach, or stop and smell the roses (ha!) along the way.

Family shoots are great, because you can engage and work with each other, sans props. At the end of the day, you want to do the things you’d normally do with the people you love - it’s my job to capture the smiles, glances, laughs and connections that already exist in front of my lens.

You have all the info, so tell me: Are you pro-prop or no-prop?


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