How to Choose the Best Outfits for a Hong Kong City Shoot

Whether you’re team “jeans and a nice shirt” or “I’ve planned my outfit already”, shoot day wardrobe questions always come up - especially if a city (like Hong Kong) is your backdrop.

And rightly so! Be it to calm the nerves or just to make sure you really love the photos you get, I’ve put together my top tips for a Hong Kong photoshoot (with me).

1. Be bold against the backdrop

This one seems obvious, but sometimes it skips your mind. The city is hustling and bustling and busy - and while I absolutely love it, you wouldn’t want to wear something that blends in too much to the point of camouflage. Pick a piece that’s bold, with a solid colour that stands out from the greys.

2. Choose prints wisely:

The bustle I just mentioned? If you pick a print that’s too busy, it may have that same camouflage effect. Opt for simple prints that complement your city backdrop.

3. Make room for movement:

Loose, flowy clothing makes for the most gorgeous photos. Choose items that aren’t too heavy and can move as you walk or run, or simply flow in the wind. This is especially true for your little ones - they tend to move the most, so dressing your daughter in a flowy or poofy dress will add to the drama of that cartwheel or twirl, and the photos will come out looking absolutely stunning!

4. Coordinate, but don’t match:

This one applies beyond city shoots, too. You want your family to look cohesive, but not too matchy-matchy. Start by planning your own outfit, mom. Then choose 2-3 colours that will coordinate with the main outfit. Dress the rest of the fam in those, and you’ve got yourself a winning look!

5. Dress for the weather:

You wouldn’t run around the city in a short dress when it’s cold, would you? Exactly. Make sure you dress appropriately for the season and temperature. Pack an extra sweater for the colder days, or opt for dresses and shorts in summer.

6. Do you:

At the end of the day, these are YOUR photos. So, if you love that bright yellow sweater that granny knitted and want to put your son in it - do it. If your husband wants to wear crazy socks with Birkenstocks, let him. This shoot is all about showing off your family’s personality. Relax and enjoy the time together as a family, regardless of what you wear and where you are.

Feeling better about what to wear for a city shoot? Get in touch if you have any other questions - I promise it’s not as daunting as you think it is!


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